Sunday, March 28, 2010

Finally Understand Illustrator

I think I finally got the hang of Illustrator!!! It was a lot of hard work but I really like this picture. Although illustrator was really frustrating in the beginning I actually like it a lot now!

Show and Tell 9

I really like the way these look. It is very appealing, I would love to see the top one in person. They also are very creative, I really like how within the sayings they have made all different items to form the letters. Here is the link where I found these two and there are many others.

Friday, March 26, 2010


In these two picture I was just trying to get the hang of Illustrator. It was difficult to get used to the pen tool but I think with a little more practice I will get the hang of it.

The Final Athletic Banquet Invitation

These two are the final two designs the bottom design has an outline around the horse and the top one does not have a outline. I had to go into illustrator and make redraw the logo so the "P" was white and not black, it was hard work but in the end it was definitely worth it. I personally like the top one the best.

Athletic Banquet Invitation

I was asked to make the invitation for the athletic banquet. When I began working on it I decided to make three separate designs so ,Wendy, the athletic coordinator could decide which one she liked the best. For the second one down the intentions were to make the "P" white and the background black but I had to get the actual authorization to the logo from Wendy, so for right now it is just the jpg.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Show and Tell 8

I really enjoy when typography form images. I also love NY so this images is very appealing to me. Here is the link to go check in out. 

Final Grid Project

Monday, March 8, 2010

Show and Tell 7

 I really enjoy the feel of this design. The white space and the white text works really well for the image.
I found this image at a really link